How To Do Mindfulness Meditation Properly At Home

How To Do Mindfulness Meditation Properly At Home

How To Do Mindfulness Meditation Properly At Home:- hii friends today in this article im going to tell you about how to do mindfulness meditation at home.

what is meditation : -

Meditation is a kind of action in which a person tries to bring his mind into a particular state of consciousness. The purpose of meditation may be to get benefits or meditation can be a goal in itself. It may be possible to create inner energy from peace to our mind, which brings positiveness and happiness in our lives.

Meditation does not have to do anything but whatever is doing it is to stop or to leave
Like if you are thinking, stop thinking, stop playing if you are playing. If you are walking then stop walking.
But how easy it is to hear it is probably not easy.
If you want to feel the peace of your mind in your life, then you have to give yourself time, so it is important to sit by yourself.

way to do meditation :- 

There are many ways of doing meditation, but the one which is the easiest way is to use Breath Meditation to start meditation by Breath Meditation, you have to choose a place in your home where you can sit comfortably and do not let you someone disturb you while doing meditation. Now after sitting comfortably you have to close your eyes and Focus at your Breath.

You have to feel your breathing going and coming, this breath should be natural, meaning that you do not have to force or quit breathing forcefully let it happen in a natural way. At the beginning you will feel that your breath is long and as you continue to focus on your breathing, you will feel that your breathing is getting smaller and your attention is getting concentrated in some point between the eyes and in this way you some time After that, they will be in the position of Deep Meditation.

concentrate on meditation :-

It is possible that when you concentrate on your breath, then the focus is deviated, you can fluctuate between other issues of everyday situations yourself. In such a situation, you should draw your attention to your breathing pattern . Try to breathe deeply and breathe completely. Make sure you develop your concentration on your breathing method
From the very first day you can not go into the state of Deep Meditation, the more meditation you practice, the more you can be able to deep meditation.
In the beginning, do a little bit of meditation and do not meditate too much and gradually increase the time of meditation.

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  1. Reduce stress and anxiety.
    Improve mental well-being, since you will enjoy a calmer mind, allowing you to face the day from an alert-relaxed state.
